Teatro Linguaggicreativi – Festival Awakening of the suburbs
Bodies (not) on stage
world performance live streaming on stage
Friday 17 June 2022 from 9.30 pm
BAU @ Barrio’s Theater, Piazza Donne Partigiane, Milan – free admission
Artists: Yara Asmar, Barbara Bernardi and Nina Hansen, Sara Donzelli for Accademia Mutamenti, Luca Frati, Raffaele Greco with Rosso Polare, Ana Humljian.
Friday 17 June 2022 from 9.30 pm, Bodies on stage – the festival of artistic performances in the theater conceived, curated and conducted by the artist Andrea Contin and produced by Teatro Linguaggicreativi in Milan – returns to the scene again with Bodies (not) on stage , opening night of the Periphery Awakening Festival at BAU, the Barrio’s Urban Amphitheater, in the heart of the Barona district of Milan. After the success of the first edition last year, once again six international artists will present their performances, staged in different suburbs of the world, broadcast in streaming and shown live on the Festival stage.
For Bodies (not) on stage Yara Asmar will be connected from Beirut, Barbara Bernardi and Nina Hansen from Berlin and Copenhagen, Sara Donzelli for Accademia Mutamenti from Grosseto, Luca Frati from Lausanne, Raffaele Greco and Rosso Polare from Milan and Ana Humljian from Belgrade.
Bodies on stage – after the success of the two editions staged at the Teatro Linguaggicreativi in Milan in 2019 and 2021, the online event Bodies on the stage in full lockdown and the important exhibition at MMSU – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka in Croatia as an event in Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture – returns to the scene with Bodies (not) on stage to participate for the second consecutive year in the Festival Awakening of the suburbs, an open-air review of theater, music, perfomance and poetry slam at Barrio’s della Barona, in the southern outskirts of Milan, until June 30, as a symbolic act of cultural rebirth now that theaters and live performances have resumed their activity. On the evening of Friday 17 June, Bodies (not) on stage will reflect on the theme of the Festival – the peripheries of the present world – thanks to an original format that effectively mixes the three Aristotelian units of space, time and action. The distance between the place of the theater and that of the performative action is canceled out thanks to the means of communication, the network, which is a fundamental and integral part of it, in a mode of representation and interaction that was previously unthinkable.
The invited artists were asked to think, in full expressive freedom, about an action that takes place in the place where they live, wherever it is. The action will be resumed in live streaming with simple means such as a smartphone and screened live on the BAU @ Barrio’s stage, the same stage from which Andrea Contin, curator of the event, will present the evening for the present audience.
Yara Asmar, musician, visual artist and puppet maker, will connect with us from Beirut for one of her multifaceted performances of hers, in which she incorporates a wide range of eclectic visions and instruments. Barbara Bernardi, visual artist and filmmaker from Berlin, and Nina Hansen, performer and actress from Copenhagen, work together on the theme of Longing / belonging, the sense of belonging as opposed to the sense of disorientation and disorientation, in the continuous search for a feeling at home that , like a perennial nostalgia, it finds no answer. Sara Donzelli of the Accademia Mutamenti from Grosseto, starting from the poem “Circe / Fango” by Margaret Atwood, from the seashore will involve us in the female point of view on seduction and gender relations, towards a possible, revolutionary change of paradigm in the relationship between the sexes. Luca Frati offers us a performance from Lausanne which, through fiction, stages the imagination and the desire to be a pop star. Fame is used as a metaphor for creative freedom and allows a reflection on material well-being, starting from the model of hyperfemininity that does not conform to gender. Raffaele Greco and Rosso Polare, with the theoretical support of Presa Multipla, will be the only ones to perform in presence from Milan, but in any case in a metalinguistic streaming connection between stage and video projection. A series of actions between performance and sound, theater, act and staging will develop in a multidisciplinary meeting on the stage of the BAU @ Barrio’s. Ana Humljian from Belgrade will immerse us, from the blackness of her room, in the deep darkness of detachment and go back to the emotion of nostalgia, telling the journey of the Self through the stages of pain and mourning, individual and collective, up to rediscovered hope.
Bodies (not) on stage
Friday 17 June 2021 from 9.30 pm
BAU @ Barrio’s, Piazza Donne Partigiane, Milan
Free entry
reservations recommended at biglietteria@risvegliodiperiferia.it or at 327432590