Anna Ulivi, born in Forlì in 1998, lives and works between Forlì and Verona, where she studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. In her performative and installation work, with an urban nomadic attitude, she takes charge of the space of existence through places and objects lived and used daily. In her hands familiar, habitual, personal objects tell of life habits that impose the space of their existence and allow to experience and practice intimate reflection.
She already has numerous exhibitions to his credit, including the personal exhibition curated by Giorgia Lucchi at the Boccanera gallery in Trento in 2018 and the collective MAG Festival 11 edition (2019) organized by the URBS PICTA association in Sona (VR); Femminisssmmm (2018) edited by Maria Rosa Sossai and Giovanni Morbin (VR); La terza notte di quiete (2018) by Christian Caliandro in Veronetta (VR); First Step 9 (2018) Palazzo Erbisti Veronetta (VR); ‘Che cosa senti? Le cose esistere con me’ (2019) curated by Alessandra Gellini at PVQ322, Pievequinta (FC).
He participated at first edition of Corpi sul palco in 2019.