Aronne Pleuteri was born on 4 April 2001 in Erba and lives in the nearby Anzano del Parco. In kindergarten he smears the walls of the house and writes comics with the help of his grandfather; among these “Dog goes on vacation”, which ends with the protagonist’s death by drowning, or “Ernesto goes fishing”, where sadness reigns supreme due to the inability to catch fish. In elementary school he is a v.i.p. and founds several drawing clubs, such as the simpsons or electric guitars. In the sixth grade he experiments with animation by making short animated videos such as “to cow or not to cow” where a cow kills itself because it does not moo loud enough like his friend cow. During this period he won the first prize for painting in the extemporaneous painting competition of Alserio for three years in a row, which in September 2021 will lead him to exhibit the elf’s shoes at Palazzo Monti. A funny drawing of him was included in The Coloring Book, curated by Rossella Farinotti and Gianmaria Biancuzzi.
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