It ended with two sold out nights the first edition of Corpi sul palco, a review of artistic performances on the stage of Teatro Linguaggicreativi in Milan, curated and presented by Andrea Contin with the organization of Ilaria Piccardi and the supervision of Simona Migliori and Paolo Trotti. The review saw the performances of internationally renowned artists alongside young beginners on stage, in a flow that made Corpi on stage a harmonious and dissonant whole together, with a fast pace and great poetic and scenic intensity.
Based on the diversity and free choice of the artists, Corpi sul palco saw the first night move on a more poetic and narrative register, with the presence of Giovanni Morbin, Sergio Breviario, Felice Levini, Ilaria Piccardi, H.H. Lim, Camilla Rocchi with Riccardo Sebastiani e Daniel Gonzàlez, which was followed by a second night on more expressionist tones, staged by Anna Ulivi, Elena Nemkova, Silvia Pastoricchio, Pawel und Pavel – on stage with Pablo Eze Rizzo, Margherita Morgantin and Italo Zuffi – Ruben Montini e Giovanna Ricotta.
A first experiment that went beyond expectations for enthusiasm, quality and public presence and that Teatro Linguaggicreativi and the curator Andrea Contin think of transforming into a fixed appointment, also with the intent to fill a gap that sees Italy not used to to events such as the Performance Nights so widespread abroad, and above all to continue to tell how Contemporary Art uses body language by bringing artistic performance into the primary symbolic space of representation: the theater stage.
Enjoy the show!