Bodies on stage and Teatro Linguaggicreativi are delighted to announce the collaboration with DUNE – Arti Paesaggi Utopie, a transdisciplinary creative campus in nature, by the sea in the province of Grosseto, which uses the language of art as a tool for investigation, enhancement and inner reconnection with the environment.
To establish the new alliance, Corpi sul stage participates in the 2022 edition of Dune with Chiara Gambirasio, a very active young artist on the Italian scene with museum exhibitions and public works, who participated in the review from the beginning, from backstage to online editions, to MMSU from Rijeka to the Linguaggicreativi stage for the latest live edition!
Waiting for the developments that this new adventure will certainly bring, we embrace Chiara and the friends of Accademia Mutamenti which organizes the campus, inviting you to participate in the public opening days of the works created by the artists in residence, next 17 and 18 September!