Matteo Coluccia (born in Neviano, Lecce, 1992) is a visual artist who employs traditional mediums in ambiguous and mechanized and faux-popular ways. Since 2020, he has conducted the off-site exhibition project Polka Puttana, alongside Chiara Camellina, Luigi Presicce and Gabriele Tosi.

Recent exhibitions include: Candies, curated by Stefano Giuri and Gabriele Tosi (Toast Project Space, Florence, 2021) Primo Vere, curated by Sergio Risaliti (Galleria Il Ponte Florence, 2021); Piton de la Fournaise (Spazio Su, Lecce, 2020); Studiovisit rewind, curated by Pietro Gaglianò and Serena Trinchero (Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno, 2019); La Cura, curated by Sergio Risaliti (Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, 2019); Fare un’immagine di tanto in tanto, curated by Gabriele Tosi (Localedue, Bologna, 2018); This is the end, curated by Elena Magini (Centro Pecci, Prato, 2017)