Nicolò Bruno was born in Milan in 1989. He graduated in painting and visual arts at the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and in 2010 he founded, together with 6 other colleagues, the artistic collective F84 with a focus on public art and relational art.
In 2014 he moved to Switzerland where he continued his studies at the Fachhochschule
Basel Nordwestschweiz. In 2019, together with the artist Maurizio Bongiovanni, he founded Method Milano, an artist run space open to sharing and experimenting with contemporary artistic practices.
Important his collaborations with Fiorucci Art Trust in London, for which he still works on projects curated by Milovan Farronato, Rappaz Museum in Basel, MadeinBritaly, Vinyl Factory and MilanoPride.
He collaborates with the Massimo Ligreggi gallery in Catania and his work is present in the
collections by Nicoletta Fiorucci, Stefano Boeri, Fabio Cherstich, Andrea Bruciati, Emanuele
Mocarelli, Amanda Prada and is present in the collections of the Galleria Civica di Modena, in the MACC foundation in Calasetta and in the Ugo Carà museum of Modern Art in Muggia.
Arrived in Calasetta at the end of February 2020 for the MACC Foundation project of international residences, he finds himself involved today in the lockdown given by the emergency of COVID19. This mutation of existence that we are all experiencing therefore transforms his residence into a sort of particular, unexpected, overwhelming and unimaginable resistance.