Pawel und Pavel are set designers of the mind. It is a collaborative project started by Margherita Morgantin and Italo Zuffi which aims to develop situations and strategies for objects separate from their community context. Their work is essentially expressed in a performative practice, minimal but not ephemeral: each action carried out corresponds to the production of one or more artefacts. The Italia Tropici festival in Rome in November 2013, at the invitation of Michele Di Stefano, welcomed their first public appearance.
2019 Exit 11, Bodies on stage, Teatro Linguaggi Creativi, Milan
2019 Exit n.10, Biennolo, Ex-factory Cova, Milan
2019 Exit n.9, Straperetana, Pereto
2018 exit n.8, Fiera di Verona, talk
2018 Issue 7, Great plains of dance, Tropics, Angelo Mai, Rome
They participated, with Pablo Eze Rizzo, in the first edition of Corpi sul palco in 2019.
Go to the artists page on the Beatrice Buriati Anderson gallery site