Silvia Pastoricchio, a young artist born in Monfalcone in 1997, lives and works in Milan, where she studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. Engaged in the reflection on the relationship between space, body, time and identity, in her work space is conceived as a practiced place, of which her body becomes an instrument of detection which is entrusted with the task of re-discussing the space that surrounds it. A work that starts from a desire to know herself and her limits, in which the act is conceived as highly liberating, each time as a new beginning. In 2019 he began his exhibition activity with Walk in Studio, festival of spaces and artist studios, and Stand for girls, collective at the Fabbrica del Vapore curated by Elisabetta Longari.
She partecipated in the first edition of Corpi sul palco in 2019.