Simona Migliori, actress, author and director, is co-founder of Teatro Linguaggicreativi of which she has been artistic co-director since 2010. Expert in training processes, she worked as a consultant first in the public administration then for a multinational company; at the same time, she attended theatrical and writing workshops for years which led her to abandon her consultancy to open in 2008 a cultural center for theatrical and video production and training, Linguaggicreativi, of which she is President. She continues her activity as a corporate trainer using theater as her main work tool.
For Teatro Linguaggicreativi she wrote “Cane”, a monologue interpreted by Sax Nicosia under the direction of Paolo Trotti, and “Lurex”, in which she is also an actress with Patrizio Luigi Belloli, under the direction of Amedeo Romeo.
She is the co-author of two theatrical texts: “Piazza Fontana, a love story” and “Aut, a journey with Peppino Impastato” with Paolo Trotti.
She is an actress in “Olympia”, a single act without words with the direction of Paolo Trotti; “The Queen of the Ice”, a black fairy tale with Silvia Altrui directed by Paolo Trotti; “Harryness” with Francesco Leschiera directed by Paolo Trotti, “Il Gioco di Effe”, monologue on cyberbullying directed by Amedeo Romeo and Elena Parretti, “Piazza Fontana, a love story” filmed under the direction of Amedeo Romeo and the live music of Danilo Gallo and “The invisible cities” of which he is also director as well as interpreter together with Gianna Coletti.
He is a director in “Entree Reservee” and “Logout, love in the time of sharing”.
For the Linguaggicreativi theater school she is a teacher and director.
She oversaw the first edition of Corpi sul palco in 2019.